Understanding PIE Self-Assessment skills (Psychologically Informed Environments) by Dr Ray Middleton and Robin Johnson
Introduction to this course from Dr Ray Middleton
How to use this course
Before we begin...
Psychological Awareness
Rating Psychological Awareness
Self-Assessing Psychological Awareness
Spaces of Opportunity
Rating Spaces of Opportunity
Self-Assessing Spaces of Opportunity
The 3 R’s - The Roles, Rules and Responsiveness
Rating ‘The 3 R’s’
Self-Assessing The 3 R’s
Learning & Enquiry
Rating Learning and Enquiry
Self-Assessing Learning and Enquiry
The iAbacus explained
Well Done
A Downloadable 15 minutes summary explanation of all 5 PIE areas for you to use if you wish
More resources for you
How would you rate your knowledge of PIE now...
Finally, before you go...